Sunday, January 27, 2013

Abandonment and Superstition

Doris was a beautiful little girl, black curls and shining brown eyes. Smiling and happy. The one defect she had, the one thing that caused this mother to abandon and dismiss her own child, was a birth mark. On her cheek, Doris had a crescent-shaped moon.
   Superstition led this woman to believe that her child was "marked" or cursed. Because of this moon shape, Doris was left alone in a shack and grew up viewed as a side show oddity.
  A lady, Mary, took her in and raised her. Her biological mother would come and visit at times, but she would not even allow Doris to touch her.
   She would just sit at the dining room table, drinking a cup of tea while watching Doris play. If Doris would come to her, whether to lay a toy on her lap or take her hand, she would dust her lap off and say, "Don't muss me, child." Then, after a time, she would go out and get into her car and leave.

  I called my mom trying to piece together the missing parts of the beginning of the story. We've spoken with cousins to figure out how exactly my great grandmother came to be raised by this couple. So far we are not sure. We do not know yet if she was adopted or if they just raised her.
We assume that my biological great, great grandmother had some amount of wealth. She had a car during the days when they were an oddity, Rare things that few people had the means to own. We will continue to search and discover.
  Just imagine being abandoned and knowing that you were not wanted because of a birth mark? Superstition and idolatry makes seemingly sane people act in a variety of crazy ways.
  I do not believe that my biological great, great grandmother was an evil woman. I believe that she was just as "cursed" as her daughter was. There is not a mark on a body that can determine who they will become or their eternity. Christ does. He came to Earth, His creation, to save and restore. He came to cleanse and heal . The only thing that determines what happens to our eternity is our sin and what we will do with Christ. He will accept us marks, scars and all. 
  I can't help but think what would have happened if this superstitious mother would have been told about Christ? That is useless to dwell on though. Everything happens for a reason. His perfect reason. Some things happen to teach us, to warn us.
  If you are in a place right now of torment and terror, abandonment or superstition, Christ can heal you. If one thing, one small seemingly immaterial thing would have been altered, lives would not have ended in the manner they did.You can have that. Healing, peace, and strength-even in your weakness- can be found in Christ

.Matthew 11:28-29 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

*edited by Aaron Bronander. Blogger.


  1. Chandra,
    Superstitions, old traditions...all keep us from the true Way of Jesus! I love the Matthew 11 thankful that we can rest on Him! Glad I found your blog!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm still doing some research and trying to fill in some of the gaps.
