Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My babies birthday

Well, today's the day. Today is my babies 6th birthday! This day 6 years ago was not a super fun day, it was a day filled with worry with some relief mixed in. The boys were a month early, I had been given different combinations of not so fun medications, some we found I was allergic to (I've never done drugs, but one made me seriously trip! At first it felt kinda warm but it very quickly made me want to claw my skin off and Cory had to hold me while the nurses gave me some benadryl or something to counteract it). On June 4, the dr decided because of how large I was and other things to allow them to be born. They performed a c-section and I had a 7 pound 4 ounce AJ and a 5 pound 12 ounce BJ. After they closed me up, I was brought back to my room and Cory went to the NICU with the boys. I slept for a little bit. They came in and told me that they still were not breathing on their own and BJ's lungs had collapsed. It was very difficult not to be there. I did not get to see them until the next day.
God provided though during that time in magnificent ways. Many times I felt isolated in the stay at the hospital, but God was also giving me time to rest. I was quite literally made to stay in bed other than trips to use the facilities. I did not make a single meal or wash a single dish. IM and AG came and visited, but had fun with their Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncle. While I chafed at not being at home and missing my crazy 2 at home, this time gave me some rest before taking these 2 new crazies home.
Also, I only had pain from my incision for the first day. It was not my first c-section. With IM I hurt until my 6 week check up. AG the pain was not as intense as long, but was lasting until well after we got home. The pain with AJ and BJ was only 1 day. ONE DAY! I took the super-powerful pain drugs every 4 hours that first day, woke up on day 2 and realized the pain was not as intense. I decided to not take the pills! I didn't need them. I was slightly achy, but not the  "I was just cut open and 13 pounds of baby removed from me" pain. I should have been in pain, getting out of bed should have made me want to scream! It didn't. I can only say that God was giving me strength and removed my pain. There really was no earthly reason that I should have been able to do that.
The last 6 years have been crazy. Their first few years were a blur. I don't remember when they got their first tooth, crawled, walked, or what their first word was (though all were before 1 year). Having twins has been an adventure. One that has brought me on a pendulum from frustration to joy and back again. It has not always been easy for my hubby and I with our 4 crazies or the challenges of twins. I wouldn't trade any of it! The hugs and kisses and laughs have been more than worth it. I'm thankful for everything God has done in this life of ours. Specifically today for AJ and BJ- Happy birthday, boys!

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