Monday, September 17, 2012

Hi, nice to meet you.

Well, this is my first post on my new blog. Please go with me as I learn what I am doing and what I am about. I have many likes, many opinions, many things to say. This first post is going to be a bombardment of all of those little tidbits that have made me who I am. As we go on learning about each other, I'll share in more specific area's.
First, I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom, and Pastor's wife. I have been a wife first for 11 years. Our oldest son was born on our first anniversary! SURPRISE!!! Our precious little girl was born just shy of exactly 2 years later. A few years after that, we decided we'd have ONE more! JUST ONE!! Well, that joke was on us! (I'll tell you about that later) Pregnancy number 3 doubled the amount of crazies we had. God gave us twins!
The description of "Pastor's wife" has been a recent addition. We moved to North Eastern Kansas a year and a half ago so my husband could take on the title and blessing of Pastor.
I'll probably share things about being a wife, mom, wife of a pastor. I also like to be crafty. I like to play with paints, and playdough/clay. I crochet. I'd love to learn to sew. I love baking. .
My faith in Christ is also very vital. It is the lynch pin of everything that I am. I became a born-again Christian on August 25, 1996 when I was 15 years old. My life has never been the same. In the "about me" section to the right, I share with you John 10:10. Life more abundant! My craftiness is a gift. My crazy children are a gift, a blessing. My life is a gift. My hubs is a gift. My ministry is a gift. And now this blog is a gift.
I hope this blog will be blessing, a crazy blessing. A growing blessing. :)