Monday, September 17, 2012

finding out about the twins

My mother in law told me when my husband and I first got married that I would be the one to give her twins! I love her, I really do! I laughed so hard at that! She just told me that she was praying that I'd give her twins! I thought what did I do to deserve that?! Other than being the first one to marry into the family? Well, my third and last pregnancy was going well until I went in for my first ultra-sound. Now, I knew things felt different. I had mentioned to my hubby that it felt like I had an octopus growing in me! Hubs and the crazies  wait out side while the tech completes measurements of baby. She was a very sour looking woman! I remember thinking, "You get to see babies every day, you get to give mommy's and daddy's and families their first glimpses of their precious baby! Smile! What a privilege!!" Well, she continued in her Cruella De Ville manner and then her jaw DROPS! She looks at me, pans around my very large, 20 week preggo belly, and then just gets up announcing that she has to check something. In my head, I am screaming "SPEAK TO ME, MS. DE VILLE!" She does, but it is not what I want to hear! She says that she needs to go check with the doctor and storms- honest! I am not exaggerating! - she storms out of the room.
Now, here I am in a small room with that sticky blue gel all over my huge dome of a stomach and all alone! My husband and 2 crazies are waiting on Ms De Ville to allow them to enter her lair. I'm on this awkward bed staring up at the ceiling tiles just praying that it is twins! HA! Yes, I am praying that it is twins. I know that if it would have been something more dire, the Lord would have given me the grace and strength to deal with it, but I did not want to HAVE to. I grew up with a sister that had some major health problems and I knew I could deal with it, but, please, just let it be twins!
Ms. De Ville comes back in with her mask back in place. She picks up the wand and goes back to work as though she never walked out. Dr. comes in leans over her chair and the Tech (I feel really mean that I have been calling her names, she might not have meant to look that way, she might have had a bad day! I'll call her Tech) SO Tech moves her wand and taps the screan: TAP TAP. The Dr nods his head, looks at me and says, "Well, how do you feel about twins?" Now that is a question? How do I feel? Well, I just about worried myself to death about all sorts of issues that could have been, twins sounds perfect! I laughed and looked at him, "Well, I can't send one back, can I?" Yes, it was very tongue in cheek. Now I get to have the fun of telling Hubs and the first half of my crazies.
Hubs comes walking in, with out a clue! Our 4 year old and2 year old crazies hanging on each hand. Oh my they were so little! Hubs looks at me and says, "So how's it look?" How to answer? I ask him if he'd like to have a seat. He stops walking and gives me this "What gives" look. So I tell him that there is 2. I had enough fun at that point. I just needed to say it out loud.
We had a blast telling the family our news.
I'll share more about all of that later. It was fun sharing this much. This story is now 5 1/2 years old! Boy, How time flies.

** Edited Crazies ages thanks to my crazy sister, Angela


  1. Amazing story! Isn't it awesome how His will bless us with our desires before we even know to ask for them? Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thank you! Those guys have been a tangled, crazy blessing.
