Friday, January 18, 2013

My history.. a tale of grace, redemption, and mercy

In many ways, my life has been very strange, yet compared to others it's been quite normal. All of these things, God has used to mold me into the person that I am today. It is quite scary and amazing to think of what I could have been had another decision been made or this situation not have happened. The unfolding of events in my life, the dramas that have played out. I'm married and a mom now. Grown. Looking back on my life. Listening to stories from people that I've grown up knowing. So many faces flashing in my minds eye. Cousins, aunts, uncles, people related yet in such confusing ways that it has become fun and entertaining to explain to “outsiders”.
this is not the picture that I reference in the blog. But this
is my great grandmother Doris, great grandfather Lewis,
and my grandmother Mary.
Somethings I'll share. Other stories, I'll keep back. Maybe one day I'll write a book and add some things in it that were honest too goodness truth, but too outrageous for anyone to believe. For example, my great grandmother was arrested for bigamy. Yes! Yes, she was. She was a very interesting character. A beautiful woman. A sad woman. A lost woman. An abandoned woman. When my own grandmother passed away, I sat in a room with my mom, sister, and if I remember right my aunt, we were looking through some old pictures! My goodness she was a beautiful woman! This one picture stood out to me- it was so clear to see! She was with my great grandfather (marriage #1, married before WWII, but divorced shortly after) holding my grandmother. My g.Grandfather had such an adoring look on his face! My g.Grandmother looked so desolate and empty. My grandmother- not yet 5 in the picture- was smiling at her parents in that trusting way that children have.
Her story even before this marriage and the birth of my grandmother, is even more interesting, tragic, amazing. Sin. Superstition. Pain. Joy. Family. Heartache. Broken Trust.
If things had played out differently. Where would I have been. If things nearly 100 years ago had played out differently. How would my life have been? Would I have been? What would have changed in  the story of my parents, my birth, my marriage, my children? 

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