Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Really, Mom? This is that scary?"

I have two sick crazies today. It is so very sad. We have made pallets in the living room and decided today would be a movie day.
IM and AG are fine and are working on some cursive writing and being great helps. I really have to say again that I am blessed.
When I told the boys that I would let them watch a movie or two instead of school today (Really, can you make a feverish, tummy sick kid do school? I'm sure there would be times... maybe.) With one boy on the floor and the other on the couch we decide what movie to watch. I tried to suggest "Lion King". *I* have been really wanting to watch that and to just sing "Hukuna Matata" at the top of my lungs. Those little crazies tell me that it is "Way too scary!" and "I can't watch that!" We go back and forth between some of Disney and Pixars fantastic movies. They really like "Toy Story 3", but I don't. I CRY and it's just pathetic. That's one of the reason's that I can't watch "Up" too often. I just become this ball of mush. After minutes of debate, discussion, and compromise, we decide on the classic "Winnie the Pooh" movie.
Each crazy on his pallet is holding a Pooh and a Tigger and watching intently. Mesmerized by the classic and lovable tales of Christopher Robin, Pooh, Tigger, Owl, Pigglet, Rabbit, Gopher, Kanga, and Roo! Watching and laughing and smiling and enjoying like how many other children for how many years? It's just precious!
Well, we have come to Hephelumps and Woozles! I am telling you, I am a Pooh bear fan from WAY back! As a teen, I decorated my room with the Classic Pooh. As an adult, I decorated my babies room in the same. Right now, BJ is wrapped up in my Classic Pooh comforter. My high school friends called me "Tigger". I sign out of chats and goodbyes with "TTFN". I AM A FAN! But that scene! OOOOH! THAT SCENE!
Here's the way it went down. AJ on the couch. BJ on the floor. AG practicing her cursive writing on the Lazy Boy. IM sitting on the floor practicing cursive. Me? I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop talking to yall. Then the song began. All 4 crazies pause, sit up straighter and hum along. I freeze. I want to hide under my blanket. It freaks me out! I am asking the crazies if we can just skip this scene. They all tell me that they like this part! "It's funny, Mom!" "This is the best part" "Are you crazy?" and a variety of other "Mom, you are a big wimp" kind of comments come at me. I grab my black, fuzzy blanket- it's always by me- and contemplate if it's ok for a Mom to hide under her blanket. WHY DOESN'T IT SCARE THEM TOO?
IM looks at me and says, "Really, Mom? This is that scary?"
I'm the same way when it comes to the drunk scene in "Dumbo" or the entire "Fantasia" movie. It's too trippy for me. I just can't do it.
We all had a good laugh, once I came out of hiding. We are onto Tigger, singing "The wonderful thing about Tiggers". Happy times now.
I can breathe again.

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